I was thrilled by Kim Severson’s piece on the gluten-free trend because it points a light, yet again, on … but god, aren’t there enough klieg lights on American’s stupidity, gullibility, and laziness already? And yet even Severson herself quotes a chef, thereby giving the piece its own kind of reporter’s credibility, saying that the gluten-free fad is here to stay.
This, despite noting that only 1% of the population is actually badly affected by gluten, and that there is scant evidence that there’s anything wrong with this wonderful protein combination.
A grocer I know said he didn't know if it was a good or a bad thing, the gluten-free fad, but he was loving the hell out of it.
If Americans’ lack of self-awareness, or even awareness generally, weren’t already on painful display almost everywhere, and especially in the most important places on earth, Jimmy Kimmel found it on the street when he asked people advocating and adhering to a gluten-free diet, what in fact gluten is. They had no idea.
They had no idea.
Again, they had no idea what gluten was, why exactly they were avoiding it, and why it even might be bad for them.
Really? You’re hired!
I’ll say this again: Don’t listen to me. Think for yourself. My thinking and reading lead me to believe that the root of America’s chronic food diseases has to do with refined sugar, refined wheat, highly refined processed food, Wheat Thins, Coca-Cola, Snackwell’s, etc. But I don’t know. Really—maybe it is the genetically modified shit in the Snackwell’s, or in the Lay's potato chips, that is doing the damage, and not the sugar. No one knows. Think for yourself. (Case in point: I like Lay's potato chips—potatoes, oil, and salt. But the baked Lay's? They put sugar in them. Pay attention.)
One thing we do seem to know is that if you eat whole foods, unrefined foods, in good proportion and balance, food you have to actually cook, it’s not going to hurt you. It might very well be good for you, if only by making you happy and comfortable and nourished.
If you really want to, or must, go gluten-free, have a look at this excellent post by the excellent Gluten-Free Girl. Or listen to Carol Blymire: "For those of us with celiac, it's not a fad. That said, the attention-seeking, me-me-me-ness of people (with celiac and not) has gotten way out of hand when it comes to wanting/needing gluten-free food in restaurants."
You really want to go gluten-free? Here's what Carol says you can't eat: "No bread, pasta, Chinese food, pizza, beer, Twizzlers, couscous, French fries that have been fried in the same oil as something battered, cake, pie, many commercial ice creams, some deli meats and cheeses, bottled salad dressings, canned soups, some mustards .... I mean, it's an almost endless list."
For those not afraid of gluten, try this multigrain bread, a little bit of refined flour, but mostly whole grains. So tasty my 15-year-old son devours it.
Why? Because you can actually feel the nourishment in every bite. And after you're done with a slice, slathered heavily with butter, maybe some kosher salt on top, you feel good. No, you don’t need another one. You feel good.
(James Brown, you’re on!)
If you liked this post, check out these other links:
- What I Didn't Know About Celiac: an interview with Carol Blymire about living with celiac disease.
- See my Bread Baking Basics post or my Bread Baking Basics app for iPad for more info and details on baking bread.
- Learn more about celiac disease at the Celiac Disease Foundation.
© 2014 Michael Ruhlman. Photo © 2014 Donna Turner Ruhlman. All rights reserved.
- 250 grams all-purpose flour
- 125 grams whole-wheat flour
- 250 grams other flour or grain (I use a mix of rye, spelt, buckwheat, and rolled oats, but sometimes include things like quinoa and grits, soaked in some of the water.)
- 375 grams water
- 12 grams salt
- 3 grams yeast
- Combine all ingredients in a standing mixer fitted with a dough hook and mix for 10 to 15 minutes.
- Cover and let it ferment for 3 hours.
- Knead the dough on a floured surface and form into a boule.
- Coat a banneton (or a bowl lined with a cloth napkin) with flour and toss some pumpkin seeds and oats in the bottom. Put the boule bottom side up in this proofing basket, cover it with a towel, and let it sit for 60 to 90 minutes.
- Preheat your oven to 500˚F/260˚C with a Dutch oven inside.
- When the dough has proofed, upend the dough into the Dutch oven and cover, turn the oven down to 350˚F/175˚C, and bake for 30 minutes. Remove the top of the Dutch oven to finish cooking, another 20 to 30 minutes.
- Remove it from the Dutch oven and let it cool for at least an hour.
I have Celiac Disease and I greatly appreciate this post. I've started feeling more like an imposition when dining out as restauranteurs are having to deal with this growing number of obsessive diners -- diners who won't actually get sick for a week if there are bread crumbs in the gazpacho. If I could, I'd make and devour that multigrain boule and likely feel healthier for it.
I ditched gluten and lost 30 pounds over the course of 2 years. I know about correlation and causation, but my little n=1 experiment is good enough proof for me that gluten is not healthy, at least for me.
Matt, I suspect if anyone ditched the many, many foods with gluten, they too would lose pounds over years. Congrats on the weight loss, whatever the cause was.
If you understood correlation vs causation you'd know your experiment doesn't prove *anything* about gluten, regardless of sample size. It's been shown people can lose weight on almost any diet that restricts what foods you can eat. Giving up a lot of the refined grains and processed foods gluten commonly comes along with is a lot more important than gluten specifically. Gluten itself has nothing to do with weight gain or loss.
I hate the gluten-free fad too, but the issue I have with the Jimmy Kimmel bit is that while it's good for a laugh, I don't think it's that ridiculous to think that something is bad without knowing exactly what it is. I know that arsenic is bad, but that's about all I can tell you about it (for now; I'm heading to Wikipedia to read up on it as soon as I hit submit).
My high school chemistry teacher would be so disappointed in me for not remembering that arsenic is an element.
Sue Schwab
There is a reason that grains have been called the staff of life. The wonderful Burt Wolf always says moderation in everything, and he is right. The problem is we as a society depend too much on pre-made highly refined meals. Our overall health would improve by cooking at home from scratch not eliminating entire food groups. Grains are healthy and that includes breads and pasta and home made sweets. When you cook you know what you are putting in your mouth and you will have better meals because you cook.
I was diagnosed celiac over 5 years ago, and am actually grateful for the "trend" in that it makes my eating out, or in, a lot easier. that being said, I don't make a huge fuss or "look at me" deal when I go out, because I've educated myself and know how to order at the few restaurants I go to, without having to over-involve or rely on the staff.
also, of note--I know people who can eat flours that have been grown for decades without processing (old time grain mills such as Adluh Bros. in South Carolina) and not be symptomatic; which goes to the theory that the years of genetic modifications and over processing is what we're "allergic" to.
Fred Rickson
Stupidity; welcome to the average person in (your country here).
Dan in WNY
A woman in a New Yorker cartoon says to her companion: "I've only been gluten-free for a week, and I'm already insufferable".
Elliott Papineau
@matt you feel better because you cut out the things that are most used with foods containing gluten, not the gluten itself. Just eat good food and cook it yourself.
I eat real food, and I'm really gluten intolerant.
I don't have celiac, and I'm so grateful for that. Every time I pick up a restaurant bottle of soy sauce, every time I nurse a beer at a party, every time I order french fries I'm grateful I don't have celiac. I don't claim to have celiac - if I'm asking about ingredients, I say I "can't eat wheat," and I've gotten really good at just picking the things on the menu that are not made with wheat to begin with. I try really hard not to be an asshole and make it worse for those who DO have celiac.
But I *am* sensitive to gluten - I get horrendous 24-hour diarrhea if I eat "too much" gluten. How much is too much? It's no fun to find out, so I don't test it. I've gotten glutened by gochuchang and by rice noodles ("ingredients: rice flour, wheat starch, water" - ARGH!), and it sucks badly enough that I don't dare order them in restaurants anymore.
I eat a lot of rice. Asian and Mexican foods are staples of my diet. Yeah, I'm not above buying gluten-free cookies or pizza crust every now and then - they suck and they're pale imitations, but a life lived completely without junk food isn't much fun. So I'm glad gluten-free is a fad right now, but when it fades away, I'll still be eating stir fries at home, thanks.
Wow--VERY well said. I could have written your post word-for word (so you've saved me a lot of the explanatory stuff). I'm in exactly the same boat, so I get sneered at from both the people who think gluten sensitivity isn't a thing (oh, but it is), and from some with celiac who for some inexplicable reason resent those of us who aren't officially diagnosed with celiac because we aren't as ill as they are (it's not a competition, celiacs).
I haven't been tested yet, and have been dragging my feet, since the test usually requires a person go back to eating wheat/gluten for a period of weeks--NO THANKS. Aside from the intestinal distress and raging heartburn the stuff gives me, it also causes me to break out in head-to-toe hives at times--but I have no way of knowing when I'll get lucky and skip that bit of fun. Since the last time that happened made me feel like I was dying and almost sent me to the ER, I'm in no hurry to roll the dice and see if I can get away with eating wheat (and not get hives).
People who think most of us do this as a dietary fad need to just stop already. Do you have ANY idea how much I'd like to sit down to a plate of pasta or a bread basket? Or have a freaking hamburger?? Heck, I used to keep my own sourdough starter for years and baked my own bread multiple times a week. Thank god the increase in gluten-free eating has made GF products not just more widely available, but also better tasting. (and Nicole Hunn's recent book on GF baking is pure brilliance).
I find it kind of sad that critics of GF eating have latched onto a single study (which is not infallible, btw) so they can all shove it in our faces and tell us we're wrong. We aren't. I'm not. And maybe you should take a step back and ask yourself why it's so important to declare someone "stupid" or "uninformed." I try to not to be obnoxious about it--I order accordingly at restaurants without making a big deal about it, and I think most on a GF diet do the same. I'd kill to make (and EAT) that bread in the above recipe, but I can't. It's a huge bummer already--without the extra piling on and being told by someone who's NOT my doctor that I'm an idiot.
@Robin @Elizabeth ~ great comments from both of you. I have celiac disease, and have been diagnosed 7 years. Gluten sensitivity is just as "real" a medical condition, and the very small study recently over-shared in the media claiming it is not is not only flawed, but also misinterpreted by the masses. I'm a research scientist and at the very least, I can tell you the sample size was painfully small. (I've written about the empirical research on my site, if you're interested.) While it is frustrating to see the GF diet misused and misinterpreted by those seeking a quick fix weight loss diet or similar, I adhere to the "to each his/her own" school of thought. After all, who am I to tell anyone else how/what/when to eat? Of course, when asked, I do share my very simple advice for achieving optimal health: eat whole foods, avoid "box" foods (processed foods), buy organic when you can afford it, eat in season and local when possible, and prepare your own food as often as is possible. Enjoy all the foods you love (that you are able to eat, taking food allergy/intolerance/disease into account) and live a life of balance and moderation, without judging others for their choices. Gigi
Thank you for saying it so well. I don't understand why it bothers every body so much. I am not a crazy dieter who decided to do this on whim. I researched it very carefully after being told by my doctor I could be gluten sensitive. Along with giving up gluten I decided to give up dairy as well. Yes, I try to eat as many whole foods as possible limiting anything overly processed. i know that it is the "whole" change in my diet that has helped not just eliminating the "gluten". Yes there are people for what ever reason decide to follow the diet trends that are the latest media sensation.There will always be. This not me. You can say that I am misinformed, crazy, WHATEVER. the point is I now my body. The change that I have made helps me. I am sorry that my food choices bother you. I am not telling you your choices are wrong. You are free to eat as you want. When it comes to being out in the public I know that I may run the risk of cross-contamination & never ask anyone to do anything that isn't reasonable.My body My Choice!!!!
It sounds to me (not a MD; I do have a MS in biochemistry) as if you are allergic to wheat or gluten (or both). I would definitely stay away from the stuff, because of your dermatological reaction of hives. With allergies, the next symptom is respiratory distress, so your instinct to avoid wheat and gluten is probably very wise. I myself am diabetic, so I limit my intake of many carbohydrates, including wheat. However, when I do indulge, it is something like this lovely whole-grain bread recipe. I definitely do not think that you (or anyone else with a less-than-pleasant reaction to gluten, that they are idiots. As Gigi says, below, these conditions are real, and we know ourselves best.
Actually, respiratory distress is not at all common with either dairy or wheat allergies. That is more common with things like nut allergies.
you mentioned french fries. there is NO gluten in potatoes or rice. for gluten intolerance, they actually make a supplement that works similar to beano that you can take before eating small amounts of gluten; say, at a birthday party where there is cake. I have a friend who is gluten intolerant and that's what she does.
Some of the highly processed fries from fast food restaurants DO contain gluten (frankenfood at its best), and if cross-contamination is a concern, then being cooked in the same oil as gluten-containing products (i.e., anything with breading, like onion rings) can also cause problems. I'm aware of the supplement you mention, but it doesn't help with allergic-type reaction (like hives) if one is vulnerable to that. It's still a form of Russian roulette for those of us who are gluten sensitive.
Jack, it is not about the potatoes it is about the breaded or wheat based items that go into the fryer when the fries are not in there. It is called cross contamination and it exists! Regarding commercial kitchens and cross contamination - thickeners, bread crumbs, and soy sauce are ubiquitous in the kitchen. Everything from polentas, soups, stews, braises, sautes, pan-fried, etc. many things that are naturally without gluten can have hidden glutens! that is the issue for Celiac individuals.
He didn't say no french fries -- he said no "French fries that have been fried in the same oil as something battered"
Cross-contamination is a bastard.
Gluten sensitivity is proven to be a fictional concept. Dat placebo effect tho.
No, it has not.
You are very much mistaken!
Been through hell, before I discovered it was gluten intolerant . Now even my kids are making sure I do not get glutenize while on hollyday.... Or else I am sick sick as a dog. And my thyroid will react badly as we'll.
Your insulting comments show that you have no clue.
I eat gluten free (my mother is a celiac and I'm super sensitive to the gluten), but I cut out all the crap refined gluten free food a year ago (pasta, crackers, packaged cookies, breads...) which were making me feel almost as rotten as their gluten filled counterparts. Now it's whole foods and homemade everything, my husband and I have never been healthier on our mostly paleo whole food focused diet. Thanks for calling out the posers, love your blog!
I love how you simultaneously praise the "paleo" diet while calling out gluten-free posers. Hilarious.
I think it's just laziness on the part of a lot of eaters because they don't want to take the time to learn about the food that they eat and to understand The Big Picture. Yes, a stick of butter is a lot to put into a batch of cookies, but that batch will make about 36 cookies. I don't think anyone is going to have a heart attack and develop coronary diseases by having 1 or 2 cookies. I once read a post where someone chided the recipe author for using "so much salt" in a sweet roll recipe. It was 1 tsp of salt and the recipe makes about 16 rolls. It's instances like these that drive me insane. That and the current nutritional labeling format.
I love to eat. I also know that for whatever reason, certain kinds of gluten containing foods just kill my GI. Bloating, sluggishness, etc. I cut the gluten, no more bloating and 15# gone in 1 month. I guess I'm a stupid fad follower LOL.
Holly Gault
I too have Celiac and must eat gluten free. Therefore I cook all our food and avoid all those items on that list from Carol Blymire.
If there were any way possible to go back to eating gluten, I would. Why wouldn't I want to have great bread, like yours, if I could eat it without becoming sick?
While I agree that Americans tend to jump on any fad or trend without thinking it through, there's no denying that many of us are tired of feeling sick and tired. In a society where we are at the mercy of Big Ag, and our food system is more about money than nourishment, it's any wonder the average citizen is willing to try anything to lose weight or feel better.
I also get really irritated at the 'statistic' that insists only 1% of people are intolerant. What they mean is Celiac. Countless people are sensitive to wheat and feel better when they avoid it, so what are they to do? Fell stupid for jumping on a trend? I wish instead of saying 'Eat wheat, it's just fine for you!' We could have more dialog about how our bodies are designed to eat, the ways in which we've lost the plot when it comes to nutrition, and how to respect others who don't have the same digestive issues you do.
It's a free country, people can eat what they want. But of course the corporations love phrases like "low fat" "low carb" "gluten free" "paleo friendly" and such because we plebeians love to assume they are all synonymous with healthy! These corps are making a killing - of course they love fads.
Read your ingredient list if you must buy processed foods, but gluten is not the enemy (unless it is for you personally). Lots of people have health issues with dairy and sugar too.
I don't have any food sensitivies, allergies or illnesses that I know of and for that I am thankful. I feel for those with serious illnesses who struggle with what to eat. That said, villifying wheat, gluten or whatever have you is ignorant.
Thanks for writing this!!
For those that have celiac disease, it's absolutely essential to avoid gluten.
This fad makes it seem like gluten is a mortal enemy to any and all. The pseudo-science annoys me, plus it makes it far more difficult for people with celiac disease. The absence of a greater knowledge among those that avoid gluten can lead to people thinking that celiac disease is a matter of pick and choose.
I eat all the gluten I can....in Europe. Doesn't bother me a bit. Here in the US, I go 95% gluten-free. Whether it's GMO wheat or something else, I don't know, but the wheat here gives me exzema, psoriasis on my back and makes me sh!t like a goose if I have more than a beer or two per week. Only started bothering me a few years ago too. Sucks, but haven't GF options makes life better. If that means I'm jumping on the bandwagon, then so be it.
The market wouldn't be demanding GF products if people weren't finding a benefit in them. They've been called a fad, but a fad that's grown steadily for 5 or more years now isn't really a fad, is it??
Many of you report that you are not celiac but express a sensitvity to "gluten". You, in so doing are ignoring other properties in the grain you are eating. Gluten makes up the majority of protein in wheat yet allergists are cautious about attiributing allergic reactions to the glutenins or gliadins that make up gluten. Secondly, at the latest Celiac Symposium held in Chicago in September of 2013, the consensus of top research opinion was that the majority of non celiac gluten sensitivity was caused by protease and amylase enzyme inhibitors in the free threshing wheat kernel. Nature infused the kernel with the inhibitors to discourage insect activity invited by the naked seed and, secondly, they attribute much of the IBS like symptoms to FODMAPS - short chain sugars- (fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides and polyols).
Lastly a submitter mentioned being able to eat wheat in europe and not in the United States; the reason may be that the europeans are eating ancient or heritage wheats while the American consumer has little choice but to eat that which the farmer plants and the seed companies have appealed to the farmer's desire to deliver more pounds per acre with hybridized grains, not gmo, but grain develped after 1970 where plant DNA is intentionally disrupted with x-rays and gamma rays. It is estimated that wheat breeders have created over 40000 varieties of wheat in the last half of the twentieth century. Man loves to tinker!
What size dutch oven do you use?
Personally, I appreciate GF becoming more visible because it makes my vegetarianism look more mainstream. It's interesting to read the comments - I get a lot of the same symptoms if I accidentally eat meat. After 20+ years my gut doesn't have the enzymes to digest those proteins.
Salome Ellen
As a beer-disliking hard cider fan, I am certainly benefiting from the GF craze. Ten years ago I had to go to Canada to find cider at all. Now a lot of places have it bottled, and there are several spots nearby that have it on tap. I'd really enjoy a plowman's lunch with your bread!!!
Matt, of course you lost weight, you have to quit eating most of the highly processed crap that is at the root of our weight problem. Now that manufacturers are learning how to make that stuff with out gluten, the weight loss aspect will go away. Most alternatives to glutinous foods are higher in sugar than their traditional counterparts, because the grains are more bitter than wheat, a lot of the alternative grains are also more caloric than wheat, so I actually expect to see the fad aspect die out. The upside for celiac sufferers is the fad aspect has brought new products to mass market, and increased volume to where hopefully costs will come down on the products
I wonder, for the gluten intolerant folks, what is the state of the rest of your diet? Do you eat things like yogurt, old school aged cheeses, good veggies, etc? What about anti-bacterial soaps and such? I suspect most, not all of the mild food intolerance cases has to do with imbalances in enzymes and beneficial bacteria from other aspects of our food and lifestyle choices
Mike, that may be the case for some, but certainly not for me. I do eat yogurt and aged cheeses, as well as butter, but have a growing intolerance to a lot of other dairy (and I go out of my way to buy hormone/antibiotic-free dairy and meat, and pastured eggs). I've disliked milk generally since I was a small child, so that's never really been an issue. I have a plot in a local organic community garden where I grow the lion's share of my vegetables (and the rest come from the farmers market). I avoid antibacterial products because I think they're ultimately a very bad idea (and smell weird and leave a weird residue on the skin). Even when I still ate wheat up until a few years ago, it was mostly whole grains, and I baked a LOT. I can't really think of any other foods that bother me. It's a royal pain to avoid gluten, but it's easier and easier to do.
Robin, as such an avid baker in the past, how did you develop this gluten allergy?
Natalie Luffer
it's funny because growing up in the 60-70's I never knew anyone with Celiac Disease. In fact the actual known cause is unknown. More and more people suffer from this disease as more and more people are suddenly developing crohn's and colitis also diseases that are of unknown cause. Correlation to food or correlation to the new stresses of life, who knows but both are very distressing diseases to have.
Tom Hirschfeld
You know what I wish? I wish people would stop telling others what too and what not too eat. I wouldn't presume to tell someone what religion to practice or which candidate to vote for so I am not sure where we get the right to tell others they are right or wrong in their diet choices.
Tom Hirschfeld
You might want to read a little further. Gluten Free Girl posted more about this same subject. http://glutenfreegirl.com/2014/05/gluten-sensitivity-is-real/#more-9590
Alonna Smith
You might consider reading Dr. David Perlmutter's NY Times Bestseller "Brain Grain." Interestingly enough, while he proposes that gluten causes inflammation, he also says that cutting back on fat is a disaster for your brain, which NEEDS fat.
You neglect to mention that the wheat we grow has been genetically modified over the years to produce wheat that is disease and mod resistant and have a longer shelf life. That's why people are having problems digesting foods that contain wheat. It's not fun having to avoid gluten and it takes a lot of work to make and prepare gl free meals and desserts unless you want to buy the packaged crap on the shelf. But it's no fun having digestive pain either. So if you want to shout at someone about the gluten craze, shout at those big corporations controlling the production of wheat. They're not about to put our health before their productivity but at least you would be targeting the right people.
Randy Martinez
I could not disagree more. Wheat bread is filled with so much crap, similar to white bread, that it is causing the same problems. Most wheat and similar breads are no better than eating wonder bread. Americans eat way way too much bread. Americans are fat because they go to a restaurant and eat two or three loaves a bread before eating anything else.
I think the so called GF fad is awesome makes my life easier as trying to be Gluten free is 1 of the hardest things I've ever hard to do
John C. Lowe
You went all "grammy" on us. Is this a ploy to get us to buy your conversion app?
More like a ploy to get the US consumer to join the rest of the world in the use of metric measurement and cooking by weight: a far more accurate and result results driven way of cooking than by volume measurement.
daily views review
Ѵery energetic аrticle, I loved that a lot. Will there be a part 2?
I have a daughter in law that has a genuine gluten allergy that put gluten on our radar. Initially we thought it would be easier to just go gluten free and not have to keep separate pantry staples. As Michael says, "Be aware." I found many of the gluten free products are just a bunch of refined crap. And most don't taste that great or keep well either. So after reading Grain Brain and a couple of other books we have decided to be "gluten aware". I am watching for more data on sprouted vs soured grain products. Michael Polan says some people with gluten allergies are able to eat sourdough breads without a problem. I found that of the breads that our Whole Foods bakes and sells the gluten free breads have a longer list of ingredients and added gluten. We are opting for the whole wheat sourdough as it has a shorter ingredient list and no added gluten. When Val comes over we have cornbread. 🙂
Oops! The sprouted grain breads have added gluten, the soured bread doesn't. Sorry.
Hey, I take umbrage... severe umbrage. I'm American, and I find the whole "gluten-free diet" craze a great deal of malarkey. So, there.
I almost by passed this whole listing on Feedly until I saw the word "Malarkey"....One of my favorite words.
I think it all comes down to a certain percentage of the poplation always needs a ploy to explain what is wrong with them and why they are not totally feeling "Up to snuff" in each decade and this decade's has been the whole "gluten" thing.
I remember the hypoglycemia phase and a few others I can't remember right now too....One wasn't a food allergy but a virus but what happened to that...Epstein...something...Wow, I just saw whole bags of sprouted grains in my local Von's store last week...in fact they have just revamped the regular grocery store to accommodate all these new products while taking away products I bought every week....such is the times.
Randy Martinez
I took at this like lactose intolerance. I have it pretty badly. But at times, I can tolerate ice cream, yogurt, etc. without having some symptoms. Other times, one bite of fried eggs will just keep me rushing into the bathroom for hours at a time. I do not believe that celiac does not exist, but I do not believe that it is an elimination issue either.
My apologies for interrupting the philosophical flow; I'd actually like to make your gluten-full boule - do you grease the Dutch oven before adding the dough?
Michael Ruhlman
either heat it in the oven first or grease it.
Question: Could I swap the AP flour for white whole wheat or whole wheat pastry flour for an all whole grain boule?
Michael Ruhlman
of course!
How long do knead the dough....thanks!
Michael Ruhlman
10 minutes or so
Thanks. Bought your bread app -- very nice.
I'd like to ask if the water amount is right as listed. I tried making this as a loaf instead of a boule, and my dough was very wet. (Of course, there is also the possibility that I weighed something wrong or made another error.) Thanks!
A lot of people are jumping on the gluten free wagon and some are awfully obnoxious about their newfound "miracle diet" plan. It makes the rest of us, who truly struggle with GI issues and have tried every elimination diet on the planet, look bad. Look, I get how annoying a self-absorbed poseur can be. But for me and many many others, the prevalence of gluten-free products has been a godsend. I came up twice negative for celiac but shown to have wheat/gluten and casein sensitivities after seeing an allergy and gastrointestinal specialist team. They were the first doctors who really helped me create a diet that works for me. I went from being underweight, anemic and chronically bloated and ill to a productive, happy person. Today, I work full time, have energy for a social life and run 10K races and go hiking every weekend. One study does not speak for the entire human spectrum, many of whom are NOT celiacs but do struggle with certain foodstuffs. Keep the poo-pooing for truly nonsensical things...like poorly researched articles.
Michael Ruhlman
I don't disagree. My rule is listen to your body. If no gluten is best then that's the way for you. My thinking has changed. Sorry for the attitude. I did do a post on the very real struggles celiacs have with Carol Blymire.